Meet Me

Welcome to Bebas Pikir, a web site on free thinking. Bebas Pikir is a Indonesian term which means thinking freely. HIRA JHAMTANI, that is me, the creator of this web, is a free, independent, ordinary person, who likes to observe life.
Writing is my passion since I was young. I enjoy many aspects of life, such as traveling and knowing about new places, especially natural ones, reading, watching films, gardening, conducting transformation facilitation, cooking and eating healthy food. And of course I love to sleep. I am also a translator and interpreter.
Like many ordinary people, I had gone to formal schools, the last being at a university in Jakarta, where I studied the science of life, or biology. The ultimate place of learning for me is life itself and the experiences I have had. Since, 1985, I became involved in forest and environment conservation movement. And that has led me to travelling to many places, from the remote areas of East Nusa Tenggara in Indonesia to the negotiation rooms at the United Nations in New York and Geneva. Also I met people and friends from all walks of life, from the organic farmers in Bedugul, Bali to ministers and international experts. They are my real teachers.
Bebas Pikir is a nutshell of my experiences and thoughts on agriculture, genetic engineering, globalization and feelings, places and people, all those that had visited my mind, and those that will visit me later on.

Hira and owl

With my husband, I co-created and currently manage a organic and health food shop in Sanur, Bali. Satvika Bhoga is a futuristic shop that brings in healthy food products, with emphasis on local products, under one small shop that is both consumer friendly and local producer friendly. We hope to make this a community shop in the near future.
Welcome again to Bebas Pikir, where  sovereignty also means thinking freely.
For more discussions and sharing, just email me at [email protected].
Note: The owl in the picture was about to be released in nature, by organic farmers in Tabanan, Bali. They were experimenting nurturing owls in captivity and then releasing them after some time. The purpose is to develop enough owls so as to balance the rat population (rats are a problem for rice farmers). Let nature do its work.

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