“Push aunty, come on, you can do it” Nyoman shouted. This junior high school boy is teaching me and keeping my spirit up while I learn to ride a bicycle. A few years ago, at the age of 47, I decided to learn riding a bicycle.

It began when Ibu Jero, one of my neighbors in Batubulan Kangin, Gianyar Bali, encouraged me to learn riding a bicycle. She was also learning. She could drive a car and ride a motorbike, while I cannot handle any transport vehicle. Ibu Jero wanted to join her husband and son in their sunday morning bike ride. And she also lent me her bicycle every evening to practice.

While learning how to handle a bike for the first time, the children of my neighbours founded it strange seeing an adult learning to rice a bike. But in a short time, they became my little teachers and ardent supporters. “Practice every day aunty, you will be able to do it”, said Yude. “My mom also learnt and she could do it in one week”, said Dayu Ade.

So, I practiced every day for the next few days, still could not bring my feet to pedal. At one point Yude held the back part of the bike and said “Aunty dont be afraid of falling, just pedal, I am holding the bike”.

Every time I practiced cycling, the boys who sometimes play ball would make way for me. “There is a bike in the slow lane” they murmured. Gus Ade, in grade 1, would quietly and with a smile, take his bike aside. He would show me how to make a turn without saying anything. Thus every evening, when I practiced, these children would support and encouraged me and teach me.

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One day, Gus Tu, ibu Jero’s son lent me his smaller and lighter bike. After using it twice, I felt my confidence building up and began pedalling. Thus began the next lesson, “Aunty use the brake when you want to stop, but see the vehicle in front, put your foot on the ground so you will not fall” said Yude. She is also always on hand, if I fall.
Once I began pedalling, the kids just shouted “Hurray”. Gus Ade then reported to his parents “Aunty Hira is now able to ride a bike”. And so the entire lane would know that “Aunty Hira can now ride a bike”.

The next step is to manouver when I find a higher land, and learn to handle riding in a traffic. There were many challenges but I learnt two lessons. The proverb that says never too old to learn is indeed true. Secondly, children are good teachers. They dont judge, they were just confident that “Aunty can do it”, and were very supportive. If only adult teachers can learn from them on how to teach people.

The next challenge is “lets go on a rally aunty”. They wanted to go on a rally not to win, but just to have fun. I am not sure whether they are happier or I am happier when I could finally pedal a bike. Thank you my little teachers.