You Don’t have to be a superhero to save the Earth. Just do nothing. This was the slogan in 2008-2009 to usher in the World Silent Day Campaign. Essentially this is based on the tradition in Bali of 24 hours of inactivity to rejuvenate people and give the earth some rest from human activities. This tradition is now offered to the global community as a solution to reduce greenhouse gas emission.

Why March 21? The date was selected because of the Northern Equinox and the World Forestry Day, linked to World Water day on March 22, symbolizing life. Even if you can’t keep quiet, they suggest that you try to not use your cell phone, or avoid driving your noisy motorbike or using other vehicle and gadgets.

The following is a slide show for you to understand the campaign. Its a decentralized campaign. Anyone and every one, anywhere and everywhere can join. See also


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