Hira Jhamtani | Jun 22, 2016 | Sustainable Development and Globalisation
There are attempts to foster the false belief that biofuels – fuels derived from plants – are the panacea for the world’s energy crisis and global warming. While the rich countries which refuse to reconsider their unsustainable production and...
Hira Jhamtani | Jun 22, 2016 | Food and Ecological Agriculture
The 2008 food crisis in Indonesia was the result of the free-market economic reforms undertaken by the Indonesian government in compliance with the conditionalities imposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for its ‘bailout’ loan in the 1997 Asian...
Hira Jhamtani | Jun 19, 2016 | Food and Ecological Agriculture
Appropriate focus by the development community on sustainable agriculture as providing adaptation, mitigation and increased productivity options, a ‘win-win-win’ scenario for agricultural development is possible in facing climate change. Sustainable Organic...
Hira Jhamtani | Jun 19, 2016 | Food and Ecological Agriculture
The Green Revolution in Asia: Lessons for Africa Asia, which adopted the ‘Green Revolution’ model in the 1960s, has invaluable lessons to offer to Africa in striving for food security. For instance, a growing number of farmers are turning back to...
Hira Jhamtani | Jun 15, 2016 | Sustainable Development and Globalisation
Some Indonesian farmers were prosecuted at the behest of a seed marketing company for breeding their own seeds instead of purchasing them from the company. Although the cases did not involve genetically modified seeds or seed multinationals, they have some disturbing...