Silence for the Earth is Cool!!

You Don’t have to be a superhero to save the Earth. Just do nothing. This was the slogan in 2008-2009 to usher in the World Silent Day Campaign. Essentially this is based on the tradition in Bali of 24 hours of inactivity to rejuvenate people and give the earth...

Simple Explanation of the Financial Crisis

Money and debt can be sold and bought in the market. The lack of regulation in this market has led to the repeated so called global financial crisis. How and why does the global financial crisis occur every few years? It is beyond the understanding of the population...

A Free Lunch?

The words ‘aid’ and ‘help’ can be misleading. They may mean grants, loans, lines of credit or technical assistance. Almost all these forms of aid have conditionalities attached. And .. we often failed to question the intent behind so called development aid. This is...

Experiencing the World Social Forum

The World Social Forum, for some time at least, created a platform for change. Its motto Another World is Possible challenged the status quo of the neoliberalism and globalization era. I do not know what happened to that spirit today. As a reminder to the Another...